... preserving human dignity

An inclusive Society with access to good life, health, quality food, widespread prosperity, and preservation of human dignity.

Upcoming Events : News station promised to send us 500 toys that will be given to children. Date  : 23rd of December 2023. This event will be for : COMMUNITY OUTREACH AND TOY DISTRIBUTION . FACE MASKS AND HAND SANITIZERS will also be distributed to fight the flu virus spread during winter season.

Who We Are

Watchman Ministries Portland (WMP) was founded in 2014 to promote the preservation of human dignity. Driven by passion to provide care to the poor, underserved, and the underprivileged who are destitute of daily needs and living at the brinks of the society, WMP metamorphosed into a Not-for-profit organization. Watchman Ministries Portland is registered under 501(c) of United States as a Not-for-profit Organization to provide humanitarian services to the poor, and underprivileged living in the United States.
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Thematic Areas

Missions and Humanitarian Programs

Livelihood Support and Entrepreneurial Development

Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH).

Arts and Crafts

Youth and Children

Computer and Skills Development

Capacity development and Trainings

Community Health & Resource Information

Institutional Strengthening

To inspire, support, uplift and nourish human body, soul, and spirit to become agents of social change and active income earners.

Our Team

Jude Bliss

CEO/Managing Director

Mary James

Director Programmes

Evelyn Gabriel

Director of Missions